The Extra-Financial Performance Statement presents the strategy and CSR indicators of the Damartex Group. It is published every year, after an external audit.
Damartex has formalised its CSR policy, Change Our World, around three pillars: planet, ethics and solidarity.
Close up of senior hands giving small planet earth to a child over defocused green background with copy space
Commitment to the planet
We have measured the carbon footprint of the entire value chain (scope 1, 2, 3). The Group emitted 533,582 tonnes of CO2 eq in 2022, i.e. 14kg of CO2 eq per product sold (down 10% on 2020). Our ambitions, aligned with a 1.5°C trajectory, are a 25% reduction by 2025 and 50% by 2030.
A more responsible Offer: eco-design rules are defined, life cycle analyses are carried out and trusted labels are selected. 16% of products are currently eco-designed. Our ambition is to have a 100% responsible offer by 2030.
Plastic packaging waste is either eliminated or replaced by cardboard, paper or recycled plastic. The group has reduced the use of plastic by 27% in 1 year. Our ambition is to generate zero single-use plastic packaging by 2030.
Hands joined over wooden table
Commitment to people
Happy and talented employees: the autonomy and fulfilment of our employees are essential to improve performance and agility. The employee satisfaction survey rate was 67.75% in 2021. Giving meaning to daily life by involving everyone in CSR is a major challenge Our ambition is to have 100% of employees involved in CSR.
Responsible purchasing: the policy is based on three pillars: the responsible purchasing charter, the involvement of buyers and social and environmental audits. In 2022, 57.5% of products purchased came from audited factories. Our ambition is for 100% of our products to come from audited factories.
Senior couple relaxing by the sea on sunny day
Commitment to seniors
Our ambition in 2030 is to make the Group and its foundation a key player in the inclusion of seniors.
Innovation and quality for seniors are at the heart of the Group’s DNA. Customer satisfaction is measured by the Net Promoter Score. It was 34.4 in 2022.
The On Seniors’ Side Foundation supports solidarity projects in the countries where the Group operates. Its mission is to “change the way society looks at seniors and act for their well-being”. Since its creation in 2019, the Foundation has financed and supported 89 projects for a total of €500,000.
The Change Our World axis is a major issue in the Damartex Group’s transformation plan: the teams are aligned and commit themselves a little more each day to achieve our ambitions.